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destination: Venue
source update: 2009-02-04


Centro Cultural General San Martín will provide one large hall with 750 seats, three medium size rooms with ~200 seats, two lounge facilities and two offices for the organization team.

Item Proposed Space Notes
Main hall Room A/B, with 750 seats Dimensions (m): 42.00 x 21.00 x 7.00
Seminar rooms Room C with 200 seats Dimensions (m): 20.00 x 11.00 x 3.04
Room E with 190 seats Dimensions (m): Hall: 3.87 x 8.20; Auditorium: 8.66 x 4.70; Room: 11.70 x 10.90
Room F with 190 seats Dimensions (m): Hall: 3.87 x 8.20; Auditorium: 8.66 x 4.70; Room: 11.70 x 10.90
Enrique Muino Room with 254 seats
Ernesto Bianco Room with 70 seats
Lounge facilities Mezzanine with 120 seats, total capacity of 340 Dimensions (m):10.70 x 13.73 x 3.10, 170 mt2 of free space
Lounge facilities Madres de Plaza de Mayo Room with 120 seats, total capacity of 340 Dimensions (m):10.00 x 17.00 x 3.10, 170 mt2 of free space
Organization Team Offices Room D with 2 offices Dimensions (m):3.42 x 5.60 x 3.10 each office

Technical facilities

Internet access computers, video conferencing, web casting and audio and video recording will be organized by CafeLUG, the Capital Federal (Buenos Aires) Linux Users Group, organizers of CaFeConf, a national free software event held annually in Buenos Aires with a total attendance of nearly 1,500 people.

Regarding WiFi coverage, we are confident a big national or international ISP, with expertise to provide Internet/WiFi access, will sponsor the event. In any case, the Buenos Aires Libre free network group of experts will review the design of the WiFi coverage in order to guarantee the quality of service needed.

Catering and Social areas

  • Catering
    • Breakfast: will be included with accommodation. Also, Corrientes Avenue is plenty of cafeterías (coffeehouses) where breakfast costs near ARS 5 (USD 1.5) for a café con leche y dos medialunas —a typical porteño breakfast.
    • Lunch: will be served in one of the rooms in Centro Cultural General San Martín, served in buffet style.
    • Drinks and on-site catering: The conference would provide catering during the conference breaks.
  • Social areas
    • One of the rooms will be accommodated as a lounge, with open space, couchs and drinks and catering, open every day until midnight. Centro Cultural San Martín also has many rooms with art galleries.
