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From Wikimania

Hello! I'm Einar Spetz!

  • I'm an active user mainly on the Swedish language version.
  • I'm a sitting board member of the Swedish chapter board since the authumn 2008.
  • I'm a chartered librarian.
  • In 2008 at the Wikimania 2008 in Alexandria, Egypt, I presented a paper on upper secondary school pupils' relation to the Swedish language version.
  • I've conducted two user studies for the Stockholm County library; both deal with how Wikipedia is received and used at school. Read more about this on my blog.
  • Read the English version of the recent study Teachers and Wikipedia - a story of love or hate?. Appendix 1, Appendix 2

See you in Buenos Aires!

en-3 This user can read and write fluently in English.
no-4 Denne brukeren kan lese og skrive norsk på morsmålsnivå.
nn-4 Denne brukaren kan lese og skrive norsk (nynorsk) på eit svært høgt nivå.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.