Scholarship review committee/ko
장학금 검토 위원회는 아래와 같이 구성됩니다:
- Sara Crouse, 위키미디어재단 이사, 위키매니아 간사
- Cary Bass, 자원봉사 코디네이터
- User:Isha, 현지 조직팀 대표
- Damian Finol, 위키매니아 2009 장학금 검토자
- Mary Murrell, 위키매니아 2009 장학금 검토자
- User:TSB, 위키매니아 2009 장학금 검토자
- Angela Beesley Starling, 위키매니아 2009 장학금 검토자
- James Forrester, 위키매니아 2009 장학금 기술 고문
- Austin Hair, 위키매니아 2009 장학금 기술 고문
담당 업무
- 목적
- Assistance in determination of scholarship applicant requirements.
- Assurance of due consideration and speedy response time to Wikimania scholarship applications.
- Sample activities
- Collaboration in creating Wikimania scholarship criteria.
- Participating in periodic online meetings with scholarship manager (presently, Sara Crouse).
- Determining suitability of candidates based on established criteria.
- Selecting scholarship awardees, and notifying awardees of selection.
- Issuing regret letters to non-awarded candidates.
기술 고문
- Goals of position
- Assistance in scholarship processing and helping the Scholarship committee in technical aspects of scholarship data
- Assurance of due consideration and speedy response time to Wikimania scholarship applications.
- Sample activities
- Coordinating necessary site requirements with assigned staff developer
- Design and testing of Scholarship application form, improving on the previous year's example
- Manipulating application data, creating reports based on selected criteria
- Assisting the committee in other duties, such as selection of candidates
- Collaboration in creating Wikimania scholarship criteria
- Participating in periodic online meetings with scholarship manager (presently, Sara Crouse)
- Determining suitability of candidates based on established criteria.