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Lessons from wikiHow

From Wikimania

Lessons from wikiHow

Presenter Jack Herrick (wikiHow)
Themes ContentCommunities
About the presenter
Jack Herrick is an entrepreneur and wiki enthusiast. In 2005, Jack founded wikiHow, which is a wiki how-to manual. Over 16 million people per month visit wikiHow.com making it the 110th most popular website according to Quantcast.com. Prior to starting wikiHow, Jack was one of the entrepreneurs behind eHow, BigTray, and Luminescent Technologies.

wikiHow is read by over 16 million people per month and is the 110th most popular website according to Quantcast.com. wikiHow is also one of the most popular wiki websites not run by the Wikimedia Foundation. While wikiHow has drawn much inspiration and practices from Wikipedia, several elements of wikiHow are quite different from Wikipedia and other wikis. This presentation will attempt to describe some of the practices done on wikiHow that will be novel and interesting to Wikipedians.

Topics covered will include usability, new methods to collaborate and curate on a wiki, formal training for editors, selecting admins, opt-out advertising, and community dynamics issues. The presentation will also include some results of research done on Wikipedia at PARC by Edward Chi and Bongwon Suh.

Language English
Video (download)